
Welcome to my Blog... the pink one.. yes.. the one with loads of shoes... and the one... which is written partly in English, German and Swissgerman... so all my friends have something to read... and to laugh... enjoy:)

Blonde Muus on FB

Nike Nite Run Tel Aviv

Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de-feet.

Thursday, March 29, 2007

Almost weekend again...

So, tonight.. we switch to "summer time" too.. like the rest of the world.. haha... When I woke up this morning it was 5.20am.. and the sun was already kinda getting out... tomorrow.. that will be only at 6.20am.. gee... I can't walk the dogs in the dark... no fun...

Other than that.... nothing really new in my life.. still waiting for that call ... just to hear.. "sorry, but we hired someone else"...

I should go and buy jeans and shoes and a shirt today... I also have to go and get the dog bones... hmm.. so no money left for jeans and shoes and shirt... again... ah well... maybe next... year?? lol...

Wednesday, March 28, 2007

Still waiting for an answer... geee

OK, so the job further away... did of course not get back to me... with a "Plan B".. seems they found someone who was willing to work 24/7 ... well... I admire those people who have no life outside work...

The other job.. well... still waiting... I really hope I get that job... it sounded very nice and I would love to work in a team again... I loved it so much.

I'll keep you updated. :)

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Looking for a Job

OK, so I am again searching for a job... Had two interviews on Sunday and they both went actually very well... Now, here's the thing. The job which is far away, less paid and more hours... is the job I got... The other job.. is still on hold.. and I'll only know in about a week or so...
If I take the job I got accepted to... I will be working at least 50-60 hours a week and earn around $1000... I need to get a car... work 6 days a week.. have no time for private stuff, like going to the bank, post office or doctor... and what about going to the Vet? I would not have enough time for my animals...
So, after two days of thinking... I made the decision on not taking that job, hoping for the other one.. and if I won't get it... well then I'll keep looking.
I will not "abandon" my animals for a job.. no way....
So.. keep your fingers crossed.. that I get the other job... and make good money, work normal hours and have 2 days off :)

Saturday, March 10, 2007


Mein kleines Baby Emma ist doch tatsaechlich schon rollig/rammlig/in heat.. hahahaha. Was die kleine rum Miaut.. ist echt nicht im Kopf auszuhalten.. geee.. someone get me out of here... Dabei war sie doch erst noch sooo ein kleines Baby.. oh...

Naja.. wir gehen am Dienstag zum Vet und dann wird sie sterilisiert und gut ist. Armes Vieh, weiss vermutlich gar nicht, was mit ihr passiert und meine "Kater" findens natuerlich super.. Typisch Mann... sogar ohne "Balls" immer spitz.. hahaha

Tja.. werd mal ein paar Fotos von meiner Kleinen machen und reinstellen... das Foto oben ist Emma im Alter von etwa 5 Tagen.

Thursday, March 8, 2007

Just Pink

I am sure, every single girl has been thinking at least once in her life.. how her wedding dress would look like.. well.. I am not a big fan of the "wedding gown" thingie... but.. there is one thing I know for sure.. mine would be in pink.. (well... IF I ever get married... lol)

So, I surfed the net.. and found some nice dresses.. (OK, I don't think, I would wear any of them.. because I like it very simple.. and prefer beautiful shoes... )

Anyways.. here some nice ones.. and of course.. they are all in pink :) Cause : PINK IS PIMP!!!