
Welcome to my Blog... the pink one.. yes.. the one with loads of shoes... and the one... which is written partly in English, German and Swissgerman... so all my friends have something to read... and to laugh... enjoy:)

Blonde Muus on FB

Nike Nite Run Tel Aviv

Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de-feet.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Everything

Yes friends... long time since I updated my blog.. shame on me... but I had no internet.. and then no power to write...

But now.. at the end of the year I feel that I owe it to my Blog... a little review of 2007.

I don't even remember how my year started to be fully honest, all I do remember is.. that in February I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I answered an Ad on CL … I didn't even plan to, but I just thought it would be funny. The guy, lets call him "Mr. X." put an ad to "find his besherte"… gosh I was an Idiot… well my close friends know the story.. and there is no need to get into details here… anyways.. I guess in 2007 I got not only older but finally also a little wiser (at least when it comes to men).

I had two break-ins in just 3 weeks and they dog-napped Tasha… but I got her back after 10 days of going crazy. As much as my dogs make me mad.. I would not want to miss them…. I do love them very much.. after all, they are all I have.

At the end of the year I even found a nice job at a big law firm. I love the view and the people are great and my boss is fun to work with.
During the last few months (well actually from Summer till Fall), I lost over 50 pounds… and I still keep it… yes.. very proud.. that my clothes from Miami fit again… haha.

A friend of mine got married… and divorced in less than 6 months (yeah that was fast… and I did give her about 6 months…) (yup.. I am an "oracle"… rofl). Another couple is expecting twins.. yeah… can't wait to see them… two blonde boys… (well lets hope for the mom they will be blonde.. lol) but another couple will be leaving me and Israel for good next spring.. *snief snief*…
And I lost someone I really cared for. I messed it up badly and I did hurt him quite a bit. So I want to say again, how sorry I am about it all... (if he ever comes across this blog, he will know.. )

My plans for 2008:

  • Go to the wedding of my good old friend Kyung Ah in Seattle.. yay.. can't wait.. and even if I have to swim… to make it… I find a way.. I promise

  • Finally meeting my smart blonde Lawyer from NYC in person (could he be Mr. Right???)

  • Run the New York City Marathon (yes.. this year… I will.. hopefully)

  • Go to NYC to find the perfect pair of shoes and the perfect dress to go with and then "strut" to the Premiere of SatC the Movie

  • Apply to F.I.T.

  • Lose another 20 pounds

Yup I guess that is about what I try to achieve next year :)

Well, I hope I am able to update my blog again a bit more.. but for now... I wish you all



Anonymous said...

Nice blog entry!! I hope we will meet next year in NYC... I would love to meet you and have some Cocktails :D
Happy New Year, Gali and zoo!!!!

Unknown said...

Yeah.. would be great.... to meet in NYC.. go shopping.. have some cocktails... new shoes... and just a great time... :)