
Welcome to my Blog... the pink one.. yes.. the one with loads of shoes... and the one... which is written partly in English, German and Swissgerman... so all my friends have something to read... and to laugh... enjoy:)

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Nike Nite Run Tel Aviv

Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de-feet.

Monday, March 29, 2010

The right Timing...

Or in my case... 'usually the wrong timing' lol.. especially when it comes to guys... and now I'm worried... do I have bad timing when it comes to open my biz and move to the USA too???

Lately I've heard of a few people who moved to the USA to open a biz and failed.... bad timing... bad economy... and... that makes me think... after all... this is a big thing for me.. to move.. and open my own biz... there is more to it, this time than just my private life... my money... my future... this time.. I have to say... FAILURE IS NOT AN OPTION... so... when is the 'right timing' to move???

Ok, it isn't really funny, but I honestly have the wrong timing all the time. Oh, of course we all have sometimes bad timing, but I do feel, as if my whole life is 'wrong timing'...

Want an example? Alright here we go:

In Summer 2006... I was in love with a nice American guy from San Francisco... we wanted to meet and see, if we have a future together... had big plans.. if we 'klicked'... we would get married and move to Baltimore. We decided to to meet in Chicago... he's a big fan of Chicago and I've never been there. We booked flights, checked out hotels and I got a dogsitter. The bad timing you ask? Israel and Lebanon started a war and my dogsitter got scared and left Israel and I had to cancel the whole trip. (The good thing was, that all the airlines involved got us a full refund!!)

More bad timing? I usually fall in love with all the wrong guys at all the wrong times. The guys are either just out of a relationship and not ready for anything, others are only looking for fun or those who would like to have a relationship are just not my cup of tea. Of course some say, that isn't bad timing, but if this is ALWAYS the case, it has to be bad timing... it just can't be, that there's never a guy who fits.... at the right time...

That was one of the reasons I got on 'strike' over 2 years ago.... no more dating... I had enough.... and I wanted to be ready for my move and have my head clear...

Did it help??? hmm.. not really... I am still in the middle of everything... and worried... that I move at the wrong time...

Of course I won't be moving in the next few days.... but the US are still in the middle of the crisis... Israel is out of it.. we don't feel it... we have no idea, just how deep the US are in it... and I am only able to find out, once I move.

My friends making fun of me.... nagging me.. 'when do you finally move? Come on.. admit it, you don't wanna move'.... 'just watch out.. you'll fall in love just before you move and stay'.... hmm... are they right? I wonder... I do want to move.. yes.... I am not in love... and not planning on falling into it in the near future... (yes.. I know.. some ppl might beg to differ... but they are wrong... I am not in love.. I am not even in Lust... well not anymore... hahaha... we covered that.. haha.. tnx Mr. X hahaha)

So... when do I move, when is the right time? A question .. I am just not able to answer right now... but.. I know... THIS time.. for once in my life.. I'll have the PERFECT timing.... and I'll be successful... and who knows... once the biz works.. my timing in my love life will work out too??? ;)


Michaela Hogue said...

Don't focus on love this moment, focus on the business first. Take advantage of free marketing (i.e. Facebook, Twitter) and market yourself. Make friends with other business in the area, chances are they may know people that will support your business, then 6 monthes after your business opens and is running, then take a holiday up to NYC and find a guy there! Guys in NYC are much better (mostly because there is more of a variety than there is in Balto).
Where about is you business (as well as what type of business is it)

Unknown said...

Thanks Michaela... u r very right...

and yup.. New York.. my fav city... and tons of nice jewish guys... so I will go up there and check them out.. haha

I am going to open a Dog Boutique (I have a blog... 'muus in baltimore'..check it out) :)

I am on Twitter and FB and have started a site for my biz... and as soon as I am over there and I started.. I get them 'online' :) networking is everything

Michaela Hogue said...

Where in Baltimore??? I'll have to stop by! Are you in B-more now???

Unknown said...

I'm still in Israel...

It's going to be in Fells Point... once I know where and when I update my Baltimore Blog :)

Michaela Hogue said...

I Love Fells Point! You do know that is where Michael Phelps lives. Once you get here (Baltimore) and you bring up swimming, that is all you will hear about Michael Phelps and Katie Hoff (aka The Hoff) and people here don't call MP "the Baltimore Bullet". You are fairly close to the harbour....where you will have lots of tourist coming in! Fells Point is fabulous! It looks a lot like an old English neighbourhood or even Dublin (so I am told). You will love it! Can't wait!

Unknown said...

Yes.. I know he lives there.. lets hope.. Herman will become one of my good clients.. ;) hahaha..

I am curious to see how B'more is... Really can't wait... will be awesome to finally move and start new.. :)