
Welcome to my Blog... the pink one.. yes.. the one with loads of shoes... and the one... which is written partly in English, German and Swissgerman... so all my friends have something to read... and to laugh... enjoy:)

Blonde Muus on FB

Nike Nite Run Tel Aviv

Marathon runners with bad shoes suffer the agony of de-feet.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

Happy Everything

Yes friends... long time since I updated my blog.. shame on me... but I had no internet.. and then no power to write...

But now.. at the end of the year I feel that I owe it to my Blog... a little review of 2007.

I don't even remember how my year started to be fully honest, all I do remember is.. that in February I made one of the biggest mistakes of my life. I answered an Ad on CL … I didn't even plan to, but I just thought it would be funny. The guy, lets call him "Mr. X." put an ad to "find his besherte"… gosh I was an Idiot… well my close friends know the story.. and there is no need to get into details here… anyways.. I guess in 2007 I got not only older but finally also a little wiser (at least when it comes to men).

I had two break-ins in just 3 weeks and they dog-napped Tasha… but I got her back after 10 days of going crazy. As much as my dogs make me mad.. I would not want to miss them…. I do love them very much.. after all, they are all I have.

At the end of the year I even found a nice job at a big law firm. I love the view and the people are great and my boss is fun to work with.
During the last few months (well actually from Summer till Fall), I lost over 50 pounds… and I still keep it… yes.. very proud.. that my clothes from Miami fit again… haha.

A friend of mine got married… and divorced in less than 6 months (yeah that was fast… and I did give her about 6 months…) (yup.. I am an "oracle"… rofl). Another couple is expecting twins.. yeah… can't wait to see them… two blonde boys… (well lets hope for the mom they will be blonde.. lol) but another couple will be leaving me and Israel for good next spring.. *snief snief*…
And I lost someone I really cared for. I messed it up badly and I did hurt him quite a bit. So I want to say again, how sorry I am about it all... (if he ever comes across this blog, he will know.. )

My plans for 2008:

  • Go to the wedding of my good old friend Kyung Ah in Seattle.. yay.. can't wait.. and even if I have to swim… to make it… I find a way.. I promise

  • Finally meeting my smart blonde Lawyer from NYC in person (could he be Mr. Right???)

  • Run the New York City Marathon (yes.. this year… I will.. hopefully)

  • Go to NYC to find the perfect pair of shoes and the perfect dress to go with and then "strut" to the Premiere of SatC the Movie

  • Apply to F.I.T.

  • Lose another 20 pounds

Yup I guess that is about what I try to achieve next year :)

Well, I hope I am able to update my blog again a bit more.. but for now... I wish you all


Sunday, August 12, 2007

Chris Noth will return as Mr. Big

Gosh guys.. you can't believe how happy happy happy I am.. read:

Story Highlights

"Sex and the City" director says Chris Noth will return as Mr. Big in movie

Noth played Sarah Jessica Parker's love interest in long-running TV show

Film scheduled to start shooting in September

Noth currently stars on "Law & Order: Criminal Intent"

NEW YORK (AP) -- Mr. Big and Carrie Bradshaw will be together again, this time on the big screen.

Actor Chris Noth will return as Sarah Jessica Parker's love interest when "Sex and the City" goes to the big screen.

Chris Noth, who played Sarah Jessica Parker's love interest on HBO's "Sex and the City," is slated to reprise his role in a feature film spun from the long-running TV series.

Parker, Kim Cattrall, Kristin Davis and Cynthia Nixon will also reprise their roles for the romantic comedy, to be distributed by New Line Cinema in association with HBO.

"There is no need for funeral arrangements," said Michael Patrick King, who will direct the film. "I assure you that Mr. Big is a very 'big' part of the 'Sex and the City' movie."

"While I have not spoken to him myself, Chris Noth assures me that Mr. Big is alive and well and ready to report to the set in September," King said in a statement Wednesday.

King was one of the executive producers of the TV series, which ended in 2004.

Noth, 50, plays police Detective Mike Logan on NBC's "Law & Order: Criminal Intent."

HBO is a unit of Time Warner Inc. New Line Cinema is a subsidiary of Time Warner Inc., the parent company of CNN.


Friday, August 10, 2007

I told you so!!!!!!!!!

Where Are You Destined to Live?

New York
You're totally a big city type. This place is a lot of hustle and bustle because you want to rule the world and there aren't enough hours in the day to do it. Sure, it's stressful, but if you've got what it takes to make here you know that you can make it anywhere!
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

What type of person will I marry..

What Type of Person Will You Marry?

Someone with Personality
Yeah, dating someone who is drop dead gorgeous is fun, but in the end you're going to find people with a sense of humor are a lot more entertaining. Instead of looking in the mirror all the time, they're going to be looking right at you. Better yet, they're going to love making you smile. Whether it's a funny joke or a charming, unexpected date, this person will know just how to keep you interested and entertained. So look past the peacock to find your prince or princess, you might find that what a person has on the inside is a lot more worth while then what you can see on the outside.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

oh my gosh.. that is sooo true... help... I am freaking out here.. hahahaha...

My eyes

What kind of eyes do you have? (with pictures)

You have eden eyes. Eden is the color of water. Your eyes symbolize your great flexibility. You are a creative person. You can think of many good ways to get your point across to people as you have very good communication abilities. When someone feels down or is hurt, you have the remarkable ability to help them and heal them. If you have too little going on in your life, you may be withdrawn and depressed, timid, manipulative, unreliable, stubborn, or suspicious. Some words to describe you: peaceful, sincere, affectionate, tranquil, intuitive, trustworthy, pure, loyal, healing, and stable.
Take The Quiz Now!Quizzes by myYearbook.com

Friday, July 27, 2007

My Music



Wednesday, July 18, 2007


ok.. geee... I know I am bad... had a lot to do.. and now I am able to post again here.. my blog was a bit messed up... but now everything is under control.

I really hope, that I can put some pics up soon...

The summer has really started.. it is warm and I am happy happy happy...

Thursday, June 28, 2007

How evil am I???

You Are 46% Evil

You are evil, but you haven't yet mastered the dark side.
Fear not though - you are on your way to world domination.

Wednesday, June 27, 2007

Ben's Blog

Hey my friends...

I deleted the Blog ... there is no use for it anymore... he was not the guy he said he is... so.. he moved out yesterday and I finally had a good night sleep.

Other than that.. feeling great... wanna post some pics .. will do that tonight :)

Friday, June 15, 2007

Don't forget Maddie

The search is still on.. for Maddie... don't forget her..

Maedchen aus Trier vermisst!!!

Die 21-jährige Studentin Tanja Gräff aus Korlingen wird seit dem 07.06.2007 (Do) vermisst. Sie hatte am Mittwochabend das Sommerfest der Fachhochschule Trier besucht. Gegen 3.50 Uhr am Donnerstagmorgen war sie dort von Kommilitonen zum letzten Mal gesehen worden. Danach verliert sich jede Spur. Personenbeschreibung- rote Haare- ca. 1,70 m groß- sehr schlankzuletzt trug Tanja:- blaue Jeans- braunes T-Shirt- eine selbstgenähte Stofftasche mit Hawaii-Muster- weiße Turnschuhe- Ohrringe (siehe Foto)
Aktuelle Aktionen
Dienstag, 12. Juni - Donnerstag, 14. Juni:Infostand auf dem Hauptmarkt in Trier!
An den drei Tagen vom 12. Juni bis zum 14. Juni wird auf dem Hauptmarkt in Trier ein Infostand stehen, der alle Bürger und Medien über das Verschwinden von Tanja Gräff informiert.An diesem Infostand finden Sie Flyer, Fotos und Plakate, die zum Mitnehmen und Verteilen ausliegen. Auch werden spezielle Fragen beantwortet und Hinweise von Ihrer Seite angenommen.Auch können Sie an diesem Stand Spenden abgeben und uns so bei unserer Arbeit unterstützen. Nähere Informationen zum Spendenkonto und dem Verwendungszweck der Spenden finden Sie auf der entsprechenden Unterseite.
Donnerstag, 14. Juni:Flyeraktion im gesamten Umkreis von Trier!Um auch einen weiten Teil der Bevölkerung außerhalb des Zentrums gezielt anzusprechen, werden am Donnerstag mit Hilfe vieler Freiwilliger und dem Briefservice des Volksfreundes 50.000 Flyer an Haushalte verteilt, sowie die Außenbezirke plakatiert. Wir erhoffen uns dadurch, weitere Zielgruppen anzusprechen, die uns Hinweise zum Verschwinden von Tanja Gräff liefern können.
Hier die Homepage von Tanja Graeffhttp://www.suche-tanja.fh-trier.de/
Aktueller Bericht der Polizei RLP (13.06.2007) Polizeipräsidium TrierTrier, Vermisste Tanja Gräff – Großeinsatz der Polizei nach ZeugenhinweisenZeugen, die in den Nachmittagsstunden des 13. Juni im Bereich der Bonner Straße in Trier Hilferufe einer Frau gehört haben, waren Anlass für einen Großeinsatz der Polizei mit der begründeten Hoffnung, die vermisste Studentin Tanja Gräff lebend aufzufinden. Ca. 90 Einsatzkräfte durchsuchten am Abend mehrere Häuser, leider ohne den erhofften Erfolg. Tanja Gräff ist nach wie vor vermisst. Anwohner der Bonner Straße meldeten sich in den Nachmittagsstunden bei der Polizei mit dem konkreten Hinweis, dass sie eine Frau haben um Hilfe rufen hören. Diese Hinweise kamen von unterschiedlichen Personen, waren glaubhaft und wurden von der Soko FH sehr ernst genommen.
In der Folge wurde ein Großeinsatz in die Wege geleitet, bei dem mehr als ein Dutzend Häuser in der Bonner Straße in Trier durchsucht wurde. Eine richterliche Anordnung für diese Einsatzmaßnahme lag vor. Die betroffenen Anwohner zeigten überaus großes Verständnis für die Durchsuchungen und öffneten, soweit sie angetroffen werden konnten, bereitwillig ihre Häuser, Wohnungen, Garagen und Keller. Nur wenige Häuser, in denen Bewohner nicht anzutreffen waren, mussten durch einen Schlüsseldienst geöffnet werden. Leider wurde bei den Durchsuchungen weder die vermisste Studentin gefunden, noch haben sich Hinweise auf ihren Aufenthalt ergeben.
Die Ursachen oder Hintergründe für die von den Zeugen gehörten Hilferufe konnten noch nicht geklärt werden. Die Einsatzmaßnahme dauert von ca. 19.15 Uhr bis gegen 22 Uhr. Im Einsatz waren insgesamt 90 Beamtinnen und Beamte des Polizeipräsidium Trier unterstützt durch Kräfte der Bundespolizei. Die Feuerwehr war ebenfalls eingebunden. Betroffen von der Maßnahme waren auch Verkehrsteilnehmer, da die Bonner Straße zwischen dem Stadtteil Trier-Biewer und der Kaiser-Wilhelm-Brücke für den Fahrzeugverkehr gesperrt war. Der Großeinsatz der Polizei wurde von Anfang an von einem großen Medienaufgebot begleitet.
Die Polizei bedankt sich sowohl bei den betroffenen Bürgerinnen und Bürgern als auch bei den vor Ort anwesenden Medienvertretern für ihr Verständnis und Kooperationsbereitschaft. Kriminaldirektion Trier Südallee 354290 TrierTelefon: 0651/9779-0Durch Anklicken der Vorschaubilder gelangen Sie zu den Originalbildern.Weitere Fotos folgen.

Sunday, June 3, 2007

Don't you

This song was in my head allll day long.. so I just had to post it..

Don't You (Forget About Me)

Hey, hey, hey ,heyOhhh...

Won't you come see about me?

I'll be alone, dancing you know it baby

Tell me your troubles and doubts

Giving me everything inside and out and

Love's strange so real in the dark

Think of the tender things

that we were working on

Slow change may pull us apart

When the light gets into your heart, baby

Don't You Forget About Me

Don't Don't Don't Don't

Don't You Forget About Me

Will you stand above me?

Look my way, never love me

Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling

Down, down, down

Will you recognise me?

Call my name or walk on by

Rain keeps falling, rain keeps falling

Down, down, down, down

Hey, hey, hey, heyOhhhh.....

Don't you try to pretend

It's my feeling we'll win in the end

I won't harm you or touch your defenses

Vanity and security

Don't you forget about me

I'll be alone, dancing you know it baby

Going to take you apart

I'll put us back together at heart, baby

Don't You Forget About Me

Don't Don't Don't Don't

Don't You Forget About Me

As you walk on by

Will you call my name?

As you walk on by

Will you call my name?

When you walk away

Or will you walk away?

Will you walk on by?

Come on - call my name

Will you all my name?

I say :La la la...

Saturday, May 12, 2007

Lets find Madeleine!!!

My Birthday Wish: Lets find Madeleine!!!

So, today is my b-day.... at midnight I went for a very late dinner to a nice African Restaurant with my friend Eyal :) Thanks for that.. it was lovely :)

So ... thinking of what I could do on my "oh so special" day... and reading the news.. and finding out that the missing girl Madeleine McCann has her 4th b-day today as well... I have one wish only....

Please please please, anyone who has seen this cute little Birthday Girl... report to the police, lets find her... she is only 4 years old and I think the best b-day present we could give her... is .... bringing her home!!!!

Her parents, Kate and Gerry and her younger twin brother and sister, Sean and Amelie are missing her very very much. And the whole world is worried....
My b-day wish.... please let Madeleine free... bring her home... that would be the most wonderful b-day present anyone could get!

Thursday, May 3, 2007

Safi on tour

I received those beautiful pics from Carlos and Safi the dog. About their trip to Key West.... cool :) thanks for sharing :)

Ah yes.. I'd love to do such a trip one day too... but with four dogs .. might be a bit difficult :)

Hi friends,

It took 5 days and after enduring extremely hot weather we made it to Key West.
nearly 300Km on the bike with Safi, my loyal dog.
on the way we met very nice people with wondeful stories.

Hopefully just the beginning of a cross country trip in the near future...

Hola amigos,

5 dias muy calurosos para llegar a Cayo Hueso.
casi 300 km en la burra (bici) com mi perrita.

Con un poco de suerte este es solamente el principio de un viaje a traves de USA en un futuro no muy lejano.
More about the story here: http://www.cyclingdog.com/ this is the website of Trago. An amazing friend of Safi, please read his story too. Unfortunately he died not long ago :( And he is dearly missed by all his 4 paws-friends and his 2 legs-friends.

Oh and if you are ever in need of a very good dogsitter/dogwalker in South Beach :) here is his website... :)


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

A bit about me

Survey About Yourself

About You
Eye Color: sparkly light blue
Hair Color: long blonde
Height: 5'2 or 162cm
Favorite Color: pink, lila, purple
Screen Name: Shoegal (but mostly i am Blondemuus)
Favorite Band: oh gee.. there are a lot..
Favorite Movie: The devil wears Prada
Favorite Show: Sex and the City
Your Car: no car, had Lancia Delta HF Turbo Integrale and a Renault Turbo GT 5
Your Hometown: Zuerich
Your Present Town: Tel Aviv - Yaffo
Your Crushes First Name: hmmm... which one ?? lol
Your Grade: I am fabulous!!
Your Style: If it comes in Pink, I take it ..

Have You Ever
Sat on your rooftop?: Yes I did
Kissed someone in the rain?: for hours
Danced in a public place?: of course
Smiled for no reason?: in the bus
Laughed so hard you cried?: oh yeah.. happens a lot
Peed your pants after age 8?: hmmm... can't remember..
Written a song?: yes, many
Sang to someone for no reason?: of course..
Performed on a stage?: yes
Talked to someone you don't know?: yup
Gone out of your way to befriend someone?: ahem.. yes.. you could say that
Made out in a theatre?: don't tell anyone.. ;)
Gone roller skating since 8th grade?: yes
Been in love?: many times

Who was the last person to
Say HI to you?: Sharon
Tell you, I love you?: Ben
Kiss you?: my puppy Moumouche yiecks.. lol
Hug you?: my cat.. yes. I have a cat that hugs.. lol very funny
Tell you BYE?: bye as in .. never again? hmm.. Nadav I guess
Write you a note?: Gil
Take your photo?: Joachim.. ah I hate him for that.. lol
Call your cell phone?: Oksana who does my pedicure
Buy you something?: Chaia, last coffee
Go with you to the movies?: Chaia and Joachim "the queen" great movie
Sing to you?: oh Israelis do that all day long... lol
Write a poem about you?: no one.. :( oh this is sad..
Text message you?: Ben of course.. telling me he misses his pink princess lol
Touch you?: well..can\'t tell you that... ;) lol just that much.. it felt really good

What's the last
Time you laughed?: yesterday eve
Time you cried?: yesterday eve (I watched SatC)....
Movie you watched?: Sex and the City (yeah i know.. it is not a movie but hey)
Joke you told?: hmm.. I sent something funny about google map to Jeremy
Song you've sang?: flying above the clouds
Time you've looked at the clock?: today at 11am
Drink you've had?: Corona extra last night
Number you've dialed?: Chaia and Joachim
Book you've read?: In her shoes
Food you've eaten?: I am on a diet.. lol
Flavor of gum chewed?: don't chew gum... makes you hungry
Shoes you've worn?: oh.. my pink Prada
Store you've been in?: Shoeshop
Thing you've said?: Tschuessli

Can You
Write with both hands?: yes
Whistle?: yes
Blow a bubble?: of course
Roll your tounge in a circle?: hahahaha.. wanna see?
Cross your eyes?: yup
Touch your tounge to your nose?: yes even that.. lol
Dance?: of course.. very good actually, dance since the age of 3
Gleek?: yiecks...
Stay up a whole night without sleep?: of course
Speak a different language?: I speak 5 languages..
Impersonate someone?: yes
Prank call people?: oh hell yes.. :)
Make a card pyramid?: hmm.. didn\'t try for a long time
Cook anything?: i love to cook

Finish The Line
If i were a ...: shoe, I would be happy
I wish ...: that the sun shines every day
So many people don't know that ...: a little smile can say much more than 1000 words
I am ...: a crazy animal lover
My heart is ...: beating

Making a baby.....

(There is not one dirty word in it, and it is SOOO funny.)

The Smiths were unable to conceive children and decided to use
a surrogate father to start their family. On the day the proxy
father was to arrive, Mr. Smith
kissed his wife goodbye and said, "Well, I'm off now The man
should be here soon." Half an hour later, just by chance, a
door-to-door baby photographer happened to ring the doorbell,
hoping to make a sale. "Good morning, Ma'am", he said, "I've
come to...'' Oh, no need to explain," Mrs. Smith cut in,
embarrassed, "I've been expecting you." "Have you really?" said
the photographer. "Well, that's good. Did you know babies are
my specialty?" "Well that's what my husband and I had hoped.
Please come in and have a seat" After a moment she asked,
blushing, "Well, where do we start?" "Leave everything to me.
I usually try two in the bathtub, one on the couch, and perhaps
a couple on the bed. And sometimes the living room floor is
fun. You can really spread out there."

"Bathtub, living room floor? No wonder it didn't work out for
Harry and me!" "Well, Ma'am, none of us can guarantee a good
one every time. But if we try several different positions and I
shoot from six or seven angles, I'm sure you'll be pleased with
the results." "My, that's a lot!" gasped Mrs. Smith. "Ma'am,
in my line of work a man has to take his time. I'd love to be
in and out in five minutes, but I'm sure you'd be disappointed
with that." "Don't I know it," said Mrs Smith quietly.

The photographer opened his briefcase and pulled out a
portfolio of his baby pictures. "This was done on the top of a
bus," he said. "Oh my God!" Mrs. Smith exclaimed, grasping at
her throat. "And these twins turned out exceptionally well -
when you consider their mother was so difficult to work with."
"She was difficult?" asked Mrs. Smith. "Yes, I'm afraid so I
finally had to take her to the park to get the job done right.
People were crowding around four and five deep to get a good
look" "Four and five deep?" said Mrs. Smith, her eyes wide with
amazement. "Yes", the photographer replied. "And for more than
three hours, too. The mother was constantly squealing and
yelling - I could hardly concentrate, and when darkness
approached I had to rush my shots. Finally, when the squirrels
began nibbling on my equipment, I just had to pack it all in."
Mrs. Smith leaned forward. "Do you mean they actually chewed on
your, uh...equipment?"
"It's true, Ma'am, yes..

Well, if you're ready, I'll set-up my tripod and we can get to
work right away." "Tripod?" "Oh yes, Ma'am. I need to use a
tripod to rest my Canon on. It's much too big to be held in the
hand very long."

Mrs. Smith fainted.

Monday, April 23, 2007

Israel turns 59

This man is selling flags in Tel Aviv. A few weeks before Israeli Independence Day, people hang flags from their balconies and from their car windows. The words to a popular Israeli Independence Day song are "kol ha'aretz, degalim, degalim" which means "the whole county, flags, flags."

I remember Yom Ha'atzmaut in the Kibbutz. With all the kids running around dressed mostly in white and blue... and everyone was happy and people were singing "Hatikva" in the eve. It was a wonderful time and it is nice to look back and remember the joy and also today it is wonderful to see how people celebrate our country and how proud they are to be Israelis - and so am I.

Israel stands still

At 11am this morning, Israel stood still for 2 minutes to remember the fallen ones.
E-l Malei Rachamim
O G-d, full of mercy, Who dwells on high,grant proper rest on the wings of the Divine Presence -
in the lofty levels of the holy and the pure ones,who shine like the glow of the firmament -
for the soul of all our soldiers who have gone on to their world,
because, without making a vow,I will contribute to charity in remembrance of their souls.
May their resting place be in the Garden of Eden -
therefore may the Master of Mercy shelter them in the shelter of His wings for Eternity,and may He bind their souls in the Bond of Life.
Hashem is their heritage,and may he repose in peace on their resting place.
Now let us respond: Amen.

Sunday, April 22, 2007


Ok, I just have to post those ads here.. I love them..:)

Welcome to Israel.. the "holy" land.. :)

and.. this one.. just sooo funny

Yom Ha'atzmaut

Tov, so a week ago, we had Holocaust Memorial Day and tonight we started the Israel fallen soldiers Remembrance Day.

Those two days are pretty sad. On Holocaust Memorial Day (Yom Ha'shoa) at 10am the siren go on for a minute, all flags are on half mast. People go to the cemetery. A week later (on 4th Iyar) at 8pm the siren again for one minute and all flags are lowered to half mast again for Remembrance Day (Yom Ha'zikaron). In the morning at 11 again the siren for 2 minutes. Israelis go again to the cemetery to pray for all the fallen soldiers.

It is amazing to see at those 3 times siren.. how the country stops ... and pays their respect. And they do that every single year. Amazing and very touching.

At the end of Remembrance Day we start Yom Ha'atzmaut (Independence Day) a happy celebration. People go to the beach during the day and do "al ha esh" (BBQ)... and most people try to wear white and blue (the colors of our flag).

This year, Israel will turn 59. Wow... I live here for 9 years already.. how crazy is that.. :) Well... Yom Ha'atzmaut sameach... and never forget our fallen soldiers, victims of terror, all the people killed in the holocaust and the survivors!!! Am Israel Chai!!!

Saturday, April 21, 2007

Handbags and so


"Find a cure"

Jean Paul Gaultier

Ok, now for all my girlfriends who are not that much into shoes but more into all kinds of bags :)

More shoes

Ok, I would like to post some more beautiful shoes.... not all of them are "designer" shoes.. but they look wonderful anyways...

I am telling you, I am soooo happy, that the summer finally arrived... and I can wear my beautiful shoes again.... yeah... only downside... the streets here in Yaffo and also Tel Aviv are soo bad.. they ruin the shoes.. pretty fast... well.. i will have to be careful where I "trot" lol.. ;)